Rebounder Revolution

The Rebounder Evolution

The rebounder might look at first sight to be one of the bluntest and most mundane pieces of hardware, however this couldn’t be further from the truth. It is a multi-functional piece of equipment which can be used by individuals practicing alone and also by small groups of players either as a stand-alone or in tandem over multiple disciplines.

The first and most obvious thing is that you can kick or throw a ball at the rebounder and catch, control, or return the ball as it rebounds back to you. However, consider this! The rebounder is developing, exercising and strengthening your balance, your core muscles, and your individual muscles such as thigh (quadriceps), calf (gastrocnemius), arm (bicep, tricep), ankle (peroneus longus), shoulder (subscapularis, supraspinatus), stomach (rectus abdominis) to name a few. 

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This wonderful piece of kit is also developing motor functionality and bi-directional alertness (occipital, parietal and temporal lobes and retina) via your left, right, forward, up, down or backwards reactions to be able to see and deal with and play the incoming ball or to clear the way after your served ball. In addition, when used over not-so-long-time phased periods (multiple 60-second and upward workouts) the rebounder can be the foundation for a serious cardiovascular (myocardium) workout as well as all the aforementioned motor functionality and strength development. In the school setting not only is this a physical activity lesson but also a catalyst to any biology classes your pupils may partake in thereafter as we are sure one can now see from the above-bracketed terminology. Such physical activity and academic knowledge can also help save lives through lifelong participation and pupil participation.